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VIP Organizer v2.0
VIP Team To Do List v2.0
VIP Team To Do List v1.5
VIP Organizer v1.5
VIP Simple To Do List v1.5
VIP Organizer v1.4
VIP Organizer v1.3
VIP Organizer v1.2
VIP Organizer v1.1.2


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Press Releases


Read the latest announcements about VIP Organizer and related products of VIP Quality Software of Productivity Software.

September 21, 2005
VIP Quality Software releases VIP Organizer v2.0

September 15, 2005
VIP Quality Software releases VIP Team To Do List v2.0

April 24, 2005
VIP Team To Do List – a breakthrough in managing teamwork.

March 6, 2005
Juggling tasks, appointments, birthdays in your head or on paper?
VIP Organizer 1.5 does it for you.

March 6, 2005
VIP Simple To Do List v1.5 enhances time management on Windows.

November 26, 2004
VIP Organizer v1.4 has been released!

September 28, 2004
VIP Organizer v1.3 has been released!

August 2, 2004
VIP Organizer v1.2 has been released!

June 23, 2004
VIP Organizer v1.1.2 is out!

CentriQS new -15% OFF
All-in-one business management software
for small and midsize enterprises

VIP Task Manager
Multi-user project management software
to plan, schedule and track project tasks.

VIP Checklists
More than 750 ready-to-use to-do lists
to plan your personal and business life

VIP Team To Do List
Professional task management software
to make and send team todo lists by email

VIP Organizer
Personal time management software
to organize time at home and at work

VIP Simple To Do List
Simple and effective to-do list software
to plan daily chores, trips, wedding, etc.

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